Installation of lightning rods
To safeguard and preserve your architectural heritage
Bodet Campanaire has fitted lightning rods and surge arresters to hundreds of historical buildings. All our installations comply with the latest applicable standards (NFC). Our expertise and craftsmanship are Qualifoudre certified to guarantee efficient installations.

Surge arrester and Lightning rod: Prevent fires and protect your electrical installations
Surge arresters and lightning rods are devices used to protect against lightning strikes and electrical surges.
Lightning rod

A lightning rod protects your historical building against a direct lightning strike. Often in the form of a spike installed on the roof of a building, lightning rods act by channelling the lightning to the ground, preventing fires and damage to masonry and roofs.
- - The lightning rod protects the building against the risks of lightning. It comprises an early streamer emission device (ESE) and two conductors that run into the ground.
Surge Arrester
A surge arrester is a device that protects electrical and electronic devices from transitory electrical surges caused by lightning.
- - Destruction of equipment caused by lightning is fortunately not inevitable. Effective protection solutions exist: surge arresters which, when carefully chosen and properly installed on the various networks, provide a level of security to cope with these disturbances
- - There are two types of surge arrester: T1 installed as near as possible to the low-voltage switchboard and T2 installed as close as possible to the low-voltage equipment to be protected.

Lightning Protection: a custom service
Site Survey
Our experts travel to your site to determine its configuration.
Our design office determines the most suitable solution for your building.
Our rope access technicians are specialised in safely installing lightning protections.
Our technicians inspect lightning equipment and keep it operational.

Qualifoudre certification
This label guarantees the quality of the services provided to protect against lightning, meaning they meet the regulatory requirements.

“The QUALIFOUDRE label identifies companies that are competent in lightning protection. Since 2004, it has been awarded to manufacturers, design offices, installers and inspectors of protection installations. The QUALIFOUDRE label enables lightning professionals to meet the regulatory requirements of the French Decree of 4 October 2010, amended by the Decree of 19 July 2011 (JElectronic Official Journal of 5 August 2011).”
Source: Qualifoudre certification website